AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck slide image

AngloAmerican Results Presentation Deck

PGMS-51% INCREASE IN BASKET PRICE Realised basket price² $2,035/PGM oz $713/PGM oz 2020 vs. 2019 2,000 2019 Production ¹ Underlying EBITDA ($m) 3,809koz Anglo American 14% 1,606 Price 256 FX Sales² 2,869koz 138% (81) Inflation 151% (92) Covid Unit cost³ 11% 3,689 Underlying EBITDA $2,555m 128% (885) ACP (214) Cost & volume Mining margin4 51% 111pp (35) Other 1. Production is on a metal in concentrate basis. 2. Excludes trading volumes. Basket price on a per PGMs basis. 3. Own mined production and equity production of joint operations. 4. Represents the underlying EBITDA margin for the mining business. It excludes the impact of purchases of concentrate, tolled material and third-party trading activities. Capex $571m 0% 2,555 2020 56
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