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Investor Presentation

1Q22 RESULTS Profit and Losses Solar and Wind projects producing EBITDA in the energy division Profit and losses (€k) Revenue Income from customer sales Q1 2022 46,903 Q1 2021 Delta 18,701 151% 18,060 9,856 83% Income from capitalize works Procurement 28,843 8,845 226% (32,766) (13,808) 137% Procurement from third parties (5,365) Activated cost (27,401) (4,963) 8% (8,845) 210% Gross Margin 14,137 4,893 189% Personnel expenses (2,988) (2,015) 48% Other incomes 29 512 (94%) Other operating expenses (3,693) (1,618) 128% Other results (85) (15) 467% EBITDA 7,400 1,757 321% Depreciation and amortization (2,580) (1,018) 153% EBIT 4,820 739 552% Financial incomes n.m Financial expenses (2,709) (1,708) 59% Exchange rate differences 2,900 1.249 132% Financial result 191 (459) (142%) Result before taxes 5,011 280 1,690% Income tax (770) 111 (794%) Net Income 4,241 391 985% Grenergy renovables 32
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