Alternus Energy SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Alternus Energy SPAC Presentation Deck

OFFTAKE CONTRACT TYPES - FIT VS. PPA Feed-in-Tariff (FIT) A Feed-in Tariff (FiT) is a renewable energy payment that is a policy mechanism designed to accelerate investment in renewable energy technologies . W W It provides the investor with a purchasing guarantee that stipulates a fixed price over the economic life of the power plant . This is achieved by offering long-term government-backed contracts to renewable energy producers, typically based on the cost of generation of each technology The duration of the FiT varies between 8-25 years depending on the country, region and technology The FiT rate is not uniform across all renewable energy generating technologies and varies based on numerous criteria and costs Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) All current PPAs for Alternus operational parks are contracted with a utility or energy supplier as the counterparty. Currently ALTN benefits from both a FiT and PPA payment for its Italian operational assets. The company also benefits from a PPA payment as well as Green Certificates for its operational assets in Romania In Italy and Germany Alternus current operational parks benefit from a 20-year government-backed FIT under the Conto Energia and EEG respectively. In the Netherlands Alternus operational park benefits from a 15-year government-backed FIT under the SDE+ mechanism A utility PPA is the most common form of PPA, whereby an energy generator enters into an agreement with an energy supplier/utility to purchase the energy produced by the generator The contract will stipulate that the generator delivers the power to the energy supplier/utility where the project is physically connected to the grid network The terms of the contract can vary depending on the requirements on the energy generator, but it can be arranged that the energy generator is paid a fixed price per kWh of energy produced The length of the contract can vary and depends on the requirements of the energy generator but generally can be anywhere between 3 up to 10 years # Energy produced by the Solar Park owned and operated by the SPV is fed into the National Electricity Grid The SPV is paid a FEED-IN-TARIFF by the relevant Government Body for every KWh of energy produced by the Solar Park The utility/energy supplier contracts separately with the end user customer directly The electricity grid network delivers electricity to the end user under a contract with a utility/energy supplier ALTERNUS ENERGY The SPV has a PPA in place with a utility/energy supplier for the energy produced by the solar installation and is paid a fixed price per kWh of energy produced Utility/Energy Supplier # Appendix 39 Alternus Energy is the parent company that owns the SPV The SPV owns and operates the Solar Park ALTERNUS NERG Alternus Energy is the parent company that owns the SPV The SPV owns the solar park which feeds energy produced directly into the electricity network
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