a16z: Crypto Applications slide image

a16z: Crypto Applications

8 Blockchain-first is the new mobile-first Blockchain competitors are arising for many legacy businesses, and in some cases already taking significant share. Incumbent in Sample Blockchain Earn.com Disruptor Area Social Ⓒ2020 Andreessen Horowitz. All rights reserved worldwide. CHASE Compound MMAKER Finance B chia Precious metals PayPal libra celo P2P Payments MobileCoin 3 BOX Messaging S AngelList COINLIST Republic Equity Crowdfunding Any Andreessen Horowitz investments and portfolio companies described or referred to above are not representative of all investments in vehicles managed by the firm and there can be no assurance that the investments described are or will be profitable or that other investments made in the future will have similar character or results. See Important Disclosures at the outset for more information
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