Confluent IPO Presentation Deck
Customer Expansion Journey
ARR $ in millions
One of the Largest Agencies
in the Public Sector
Q3'16 Q3'17 Q3'19 Q1'21
Q4'17 Q4'18 Q4'19 Q1'21
One of the World's Largest
Telecom Conglomerates
Large scale deployment to
build out a modern cyber
threat detection platform in
its global network.
Expansion of customer
facing and back-end mission
critical workloads to different
business units worldwide.
A Major Global
Financial Institution
Note: The expansion multiple is calculated based on the land ARR and the G121 ending ARR, using actual unrounded ARR numbers
The customer examples shown on this slide ore illustrative only and may not be representative of growth of other customers within the same vertical(s).
Q4'17 Q4'18 Q4'19 Q1'21
Fast adoption and expansion
of use cases among different
banking businesses
across the globe.
A Leading Health
Benefits Provider
Q4'18 Q4'19 Q2'20 Q1'21
Migrated from OS Kafka for
stability and reliability. Rapid
expansion of use cases across
systems and applications.
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