OnesSpaWorld SPAC
Investment Highlights
■ OSW provides investors a world class health & wellness services
platform with global operations and distribution capabilities that
deliver unparalleled customer experiences
We believe we are well positioned to grow earnings and deliver
shareholder value over the long term by:
1 Capitalizing on global cruise tailwind with Asia leading the next
decade of aggressive growth
2 Driving onboard guest engagement and expand and innovate
health & wellness service and product offering
Global consumers continually increasing health & wellness
services and products in their daily routines
Increasing collaboration with cruise lines enables significant
enhancements in guest relationships
3 Targeting high profile land-based resorts to deliver OSW
capabilities and offerings
4 Identifying emerging health & wellness services and products
businesses for partnership or acquisition
Haymaker Expertise
Haymaker's management has unique experience with...
Service & product innovation
■ Design & branding
■ Hospitality & wellness market development
■ Logistics-based businesses
Why This is a Great Deal for a SPAC
OSW used to be a public company (Steiner Leisure) and therefore
already has public company-ready accounting systems and reporting
OSW management team has significant public company experience
■ The financial profile is highly predictable and dependable which
provides visibility into forecasting uniquely well suited for public
company quarterly reporting requirements
" OSW provides investors exposure to the most desirable mix of secular
trends in the consumer industry, including leisure and health &
wellness, in an asset-lite, capital efficient economic model; exposure
that few other public companies can offer investors
■ Haymaker's original SPAC mandate was to find a business that was
capital efficient and had market-leadership in its respective sector -
OSW is the "dream-come-true" target for Haymaker
...which can be leveraged to enhance growth at OSW through
■ Introducing new services and experiences
■ Strategic alliances with hospitality & wellness companies
Off-ship consumer relationship management
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