HBT Financial Results Presentation Deck slide image

HBT Financial Results Presentation Deck

2 Strong, granular, low-cost deposit base. .. Cost of Deposits (%) Remains Consistently Below Peers 4.00 3.00 2.00 0.17 1.00 0.00 0.34 2017 HBT Financial 0.21 0.60 4Q21 2018 HBT Cost of Deposits % (left axis) 0.29 1Q22 0.86 2019 HBT 2Q22 High Performing Peers¹ With a Lower Deposit Beta than Peers Since Beginning of Current Interest Rate Tightening Cycle Deposit Beta (4Q21 - 3Q23): HBT = 12.0%; High Performing Peers¹ = 31.9% 0.14 3Q22 0.48 2020 0.07 High Performing Peers Median Cost of Deposits % (left axis)¹ 22 0.20 4Q22 2021 0.07 1Q23 0.36 2022 0.45 2Q23 1.55 3Q23 YTD* Fed Funds Rate % (right axis) 3Q23 Source: S&P Capital IQ as available on January 11, 2024; ¹ Represents median of 35 high performing major exchange-traded banks headquartered in the Midwest with $2-10bn in assets and a 2022 core return on average assets above 1.0%; * Annualized Measure 6.00 4.50 3.00 1.50 0.00
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