Eutelsat ESG Presentation Deck slide image

Eutelsat ESG Presentation Deck

ADHERENCE TO THE UN GLOBAL COMPACT Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the UN 4 5 8 9 EDUCATION DE QUALITÉ ÉGALITÉ ENTRE LES SEXES ợ TRAVAIL DÉCENT ET CROISSANCE ÉCONOMIQUE INDUSTRIE. INNOVATION ET INFRASTRUCTURE → Equal opportunities, with access to education for vulnerable people →Gender equality with a strong diversity for women to policy and access management positions. A working environment that promotes the development of its employees → Sustainable, resilient and accessible infrastructure EUTELSAT 10 13 MESURES RELATIVES LA CONTRE LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES 16 INÉGALITÉS RÉDUITES 17 PAIX, JUSTICE ET INSTITUTIONS EFFICACES PARTENARIATS POUR LA REALISATION DES OBJECTIFS COMPACT UN GLOBAL different in → Reducing inequalities countries thanks to our efforts to bridge the digital divide → Measures to limit our impact on climate change → Accountable management practices supported by a stringent anti-corruption policy → Technological partnerships in favour of civilian protection CONFIDENTIAL 5
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