Sonos Results Presentation Deck slide image

Sonos Results Presentation Deck

Q2 Financial Summary Q2 Revenue $332.9 CC: +83.5% Reported: +90% 2Q21 Americas (58% of sales): +90% y/y EMEA (34% of sales): +100% y/y APAC (7% of sales): +56% y/y Q2 Adjusted EBITDA $48.5 14.6% margin 2Q21 $399.8 CC: +22.8% Reported: +20% 2Q22 Americas (60% of sales): +23% y/y EMEA (32% of sales): +12% y/y APAC (8% of sales): +34% y/y $46.9 11.7% margin 2Q22 $304.2 CC: -22% Reported: -24% 2Q23 Americas (65% of sales): -17% y/y EMEA (29% of sales): -31% y/y APAC (6% of sales): -44% y/y ($10.6) (3.5)% margin 2Q23 Revenue -22% constant currency, or -24% reported to $304.2M driven by: O O O O O Unfavorable comparison resulting from backlog fulfillment and timing of channel fill in 2Q22 Softer consumer demand Registrations -2% y/y while products sold -29% y/y 2Q23 products sold faced unfavorable Unfavorable FX ($6M) headwind to revenue Partially offset by new product introductions O comparison as 2Q22 products sold grew +35% y/y due to backlog fulfillment and timing of channel fill O Adjusted EBITDA declined to $(10.6)M, margin of (3.5)% Decline driven by lower revenue and -150bps gross margin contraction, partially offset by seasonal decline in marketing spend, lower bonus accrual and delayed program spend FX approximated to be $3M headwind to Adjusted EBITDA Note: $ in millions (unless noted), unaudited. Adjusted EBITDA and constant currency are non-GAAP measures. See appendix for reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP measures. Percentages have been calculated using actual, non-rounded figures and, therefore, may not recalculate precisely. 4
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