Deutsche Bank Fixed Income Presentation Deck slide image

Deutsche Bank Fixed Income Presentation Deck

Footnotes 2/2 Slide 17 Loan book composition 1. Mainly includes Corporate & Other and Institutional Client Services in the Corporate Bank 2. Other businesses with exposure less than 2% each 3. Includes Strategic Corporate Lending Slide 18-Provision for credit losses and stage 3 loans 1. Quarterly provision for credit losses annualized as basis points of average loans gross of allowance at amortized cost 2. IFRS 9 Stage 3 assets at amortized cost including POCI as % of loans at amortized cost (€ 482bn as of June 30, 2023) 3. IFRS 9 Stage 3 allowance for credit losses for assets at amortized cost excluding POCI divided by Stage 3 amortized cost excludi POCI assets 4. IFRS 9 stage 1 coverage ratio for assets at amortized cost (excluding country risk allowance) is 0.1% and IFRS 9 stage 2 coverage ratio for assets at amortized cost (excluding country risk allowance) is 1.3% as of June 30, 2023 Slide 22-Net interest income sensitivity 1. Based on a static balance sheet per May 2023 vs. current market-implied forward rates as of June 30, 2023 Slide 23 - Additional funding disclosure 1. Senior structured excludes new structured issuance off the FIC platform Slide 24 Level 3 assets and liabilities 1. Issuances include cash amounts paid on the primary issuance of a loan to a borrower 2. Includes other transfers into / out of Level 3, including methodology refinements on opening balance and mark-to-market adjustments 3. Additional value adjustments deducted from CET1 capital pursuant to Article 34 of Regulation (EU) No. 2019/876 (CRR) Slide 25 -Leverage exposure and risk-weighted assets 1. Excludes any derivatives-related market risk RWA, which have been fully allocated to non-derivatives trading assets 2. Includes contingent liabilities Slide 28 Sustainability 1. Cumulative figures include sustainable financing and investment activities as defined in DB's Sustainable Finance Framework and related documents, which are published on our website Slide 30- Specific revenue items and adjusted costs - Q2 2023 1. Legacy portfolios previously reported as the Capital Release Unit until Q4 2022 Slide 31 Specific revenue items and adjusted costs - H1 2023 1. Legacy portfolios previously reported as the Capital Release Unit until Q4 2022 Deutsche Bank Investor Relations Q2 2023 Fixed Income Investor Call July 28, 2023 Slide 32 - Pre-provision profit, CAGR and operating leverage 1. Pre-provision profit defined as net revenues less noninterest expenses 2. Compound annual growth rates of the total of net revenues of the last twelve months over the 18 months between FY 2021 and Q2 2023 3. Operating leverage defined as the difference between the year-on-year growth rates of revenues and noninterest expenses Slide 33- Adjusted post-tax RoTE, CIR and operating leverage 1. Adjusted profit (loss) before tax estimated as the reported profit (loss) before tax excluding the impact of nonoperating costs and pro rating the impact of bank levies Slide 34 - Last 12 months (LTM) revenue reconciliation 1. 2020 figures based on reporting structure as disclosed in Annual Re : 2021; 2021 figures based on reporting structure as disclosed in Annual Report 2022 2. Q2 2021 LTM figures refer to the sum of Q3 2020, Q4 2020, Q1 2021 and Q2 2021 3. Q2 2022 LTM figures refer to the sum of Q3 2021, Q4 2021, Q1 2022 and Q2 2022 4. Q2 2023 LTM figures refer to the sum of Q3 2022, Q4 2022, Q1 2023 and Q2 2023 5. Estimated as percentage share of individual operating business revenues to the total of operating businesses 6. Group revenues include C&O revenues, and prior to 2022 the then CRU revenues 36
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