FY 2017 First Quarter Earnings Call slide image

FY 2017 First Quarter Earnings Call

Revenue - consolidated & unconsolidated > Consolidated sales challenged in the near-term resulting from capital constraints in prior years (pre-2016) - Volume and FX headwinds primary drivers of y-o-y decrease > Strong growth expected in ADNT's unconsolidated JVs Unconsolidated Seating 10 Unconsolidated Interiors $2,323 M $2,218 M $2,075 M Year-over-year growth $2,106 M + 7% + 13% Excl. FX FY17 Q1 FY 16 Q1 Q1 2017 Earnings / February 2017 Adient - Improving the experience of a world in motion FY17 Q1 FY16 Q1 Yanfeng Global Automotive Interiors $ in Millions $4,233 Consolidated sales ADIENT $8 $4,038 ($164) ($39) Q1FY16 Volume FX Other Q1FY17 Regional Performance (consolidates sales y-o-y growth by region) Reported Adjusted¹ Year-over-year FY17 Q1 FY17 Q1 growth N. America -7% -7% - 9% Europe -9% -5% - 3% Excl. FX S. America 19% 14% Asia & China 17% 15% 1 Growth rates at constant foreign exchange
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