Eutelsat ESG Presentation Deck slide image

Eutelsat ESG Presentation Deck

CEO AND DEPUTY CEOS: NO SUPPLEMENTARY PENSION SCHEMES OR TERMINATION BENEFITS (FY 21) Pluri-annual variable compensation Compensation related to termination of office Exceptional compensation policy Benefits in kind Attendance fees Non-compete undertakings¹ Supplementary pension scheme Group benefit and supplementary health plans ▸ EUTELSAT ● ● ● ● ● ● None None Only in very specific circumstances Must be justified May not exceed 100% of target bonus Would be made public immediately after BoD decision. Would require AGM approval Company car For CEO (as Board member) Non-compete clause equivalent to 50% of base salary for 18 months vs. commitment to refrain from working directly or indirectly for another Satellite operator None Same terms as those applying to employees of Eutelsat S.A. 1 Rodolphe Belmer and Yohann Leroy benefit from non-compete undertakings | 11
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