HPS Specialty Loan Fund VI slide image

HPS Specialty Loan Fund VI

SLF Portfolio Snapshots Portfolio Statistics (at Close)¹ Investment Period / Status: LP Capital ($mm): # of Investments Per Annum (Total): Average Investment Size: EBITDA: LTV (through HPS tranche): Spread*: Upfront Fee / OID: Avg Call Protection: Seniority (1st Lien / 2nd Lien): Unlevered Fund Returns: Levered Fund Returns: 12% 88% Geography Mix5,6 1% 19% SLF II 2010-2012 (2 yrs) / Fully Realized $1,131 26.5 per annum (53 total) $39mm $67mm 33.6% L+765 bps 2.6% NC1.8, 102, 101, 100 99% / 1% 11% gross / 7% net² 14% gross/11% net² 80% 12% 14% 74% 4% 20% 76% 22% SLF 2016 SLF V ■Australia / NZ / RoW 78% SLF II SLF III 2012-2016 (4 yrs) / Harvesting $2,833 26.5 per annum (106 total) $105mm $63mm 48.8% L+795 bps 2.6% NC1.5, 102, 101, 100 84% / 16% 8% gross / 6% net³ 8% gross / 6% net³ Transaction Type6 12% 88% SLF III Corporate/Non-LBO 24% 76% SLF 2016 SLF 2016 2016-2020 (4 yrs) / Harvesting $4,538 21.5 per annum (87 total) $263mm $120mm 48.0% L+696 bps 25% 75% SLF V LBO 2.1% NC1.5, 102, 101, 100 99% / 1% 10% gross / 7% net¹ 14% gross/9% net4 13% 20% 67% SLF II ■Lead 7% 14% Investment Role5,6 2% 11% 80% SLF V 2020 Present / Investing $7,712 86 investments to-date $295mm $89mm 40.5% L+727 bps SLF III Co-Lead SLF II SLF III North America ■ Europe As of September 30, 2022. Note SLF II was realized on December 13, 2013. PAST PERFORMANCE IS NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF FUTURE RESULTS. There can be no assurance that the SLF Funds return objectives will be realized or that the SLF Funds will not experience losses. All performance except for that of SLF V is based on the actual timing of capital contributions by and distributions to a full-fee paying, first-close investor in a particular fund and rounded to the nearest whole number. As applicable, the returns represent the average returns weighted by capital commitments of the levered or unlevered sleeves of each fund family and are since inception. Gross IRR is net of fund operating expenses but gross of management fees and incentive fees. Net IRR is net of all management fees, incentive fees, fund expenses and financing costs as applicable. All SLF Levered Funds incurred leverage collateralized by their assets. Returns assume the portfolio is ultimately recovered at an estimated unaudited net asset value as of June 30, 2022. There can be no assurance the portfolio will be recovered at this value. Should there be a write-off, prepayment, default or other significant event, the ultimate returns to an investor would be materially different. Returns presented on a weighted average basis by LP capital committed across all unlevered and levered funds for each vintage as applicable. ¹Full portfolio including exited investments. Represents weighted average at time of close. 2Unlevered returns represent SLF II-UL and levered returns represent SLF II Irish and SLF II-L which had returns of 13%/9% and 14% / 11%, respectively. Unlevered returns represent SLF III-UL and SLIF III-UL which had gross and net returns of 8%/6% and 8%/6%, respectively. Levered returns represent SLF III-L, SLIF III-L and SLF III Irish which have gross and net returns of 8% / 5%, 8%/5% and 9% / 6% respectively. Unlevered returns represent SLF 2016-UL and SLOF 2016-UL which both have gross and net returns of 10%/7%. Levered returns represent SLIF 2016-L and SLF 2016-L which both have gross and net returns of 14%/9%. As is expected with SLF VI, SLF 2016 utilized a capital call facility collateralized by its capital commitments. 5Geographical mix calculated based on domicile. 6Full portfolio including exited investments. Note: *Inclusive of PIK if applicable. Represents SLIF V-UL, SLF V-UL, SLEF V-UL, SLF V-L and SLIF V-L which have gross and net returns of, 8%/5%, 12% / 19%, 9%/6%, 19% / 13%, and 14% / 8%, respectively. The gross and net returns for each fund in SLF V was derived by using fund-level cash flows excluding cashflows attributable to investors that are not subject to management fees and incentive fees (but inclusive of investors receiving fee discounts). The SLF V fund family's subsequent-close mechanic provides that investors admitted at closings after the initial closing of a fund do not participate in the returns of investments realized prior to their admission. Due to the material impact of realizations that took place during the SLF V fund family's marketing period, with the exception of SLEF V-UL which held one closing in April 2021 and one closing in June 2021, returns calculated based on the actual timing of capital contributions by, and distributions to, a model full fee paying, first close investor in an SLF V fund are higher than the methodology used above. Gross and net returns for SLIF V-UL, SLF V-UL, SLEF V-UL, SLF V-L and SLIF V-L calculated based on the actual timing of capital contributions by, and distributions to, a model full fee paying, first close investor in such fund (rounded to the nearest whole number) are 10%/6%, 14%/10%, 8%/5%, 24%/16% and 16%/9%, respectively. As is expected with SLF VI, SLF V utilized a capital call facility collateralized by its capital commitments. Average based on total face value committed across direct lending platform. *Please refer to Appendix I for additional information and definitions of the capitalized terms used above. 2.3% NC1.6, 103, 101, 101 100% / 0% 10% gross / 7% net7 16% gross / 10% net7 HPS 88% SLF 2016 2% 5% 93% SLF V Participant 14
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