MP Materials SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

MP Materials SPAC Presentation Deck

MP MATERIALS IS ANSWERING U.S. GOVERNMENT'S CALL TO ACTION THE U.S. GOVERNMENT SEES RARE EARTHS AS KEY TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY SUPPLY CHAIN THEMANTARES SALER MP MATERIALS Executive Order 13817 "A Federal Strategy to Ensure Secure and Reliable Supplies of Critical Materials" (December 2017) Secretary of the Interior presents a list of 35 minerals deemed critical under the definition in the Executive Order, including the entirety of the Rare Earth Elements Group (February 2018) •Five separate Presidential Determinations to address both the upstream and downstream deficiencies in our rare earth and magnet supply chain (July 2019) Department of Defense ("DoD") Title III Funding Opportunity Announcement ("FOA") focused on light rare earth separation capacity released; MP submitted a proposal (March 2020) Sources: Buiv Order 13817 5 Adamcsiperce.000 MARKET GROWTH 27
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