Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (“MWRA”) Employees’ Retirement System slide image

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (“MWRA”) Employees’ Retirement System

Select Equity Investment Strategies Strategy Focus Status Portfolio Managers Inception Assets (in millions)³ Positions & Portfolio Weightings Long Positions Long Weightings Short Positions Short Weightings Gross Exposure Geographic Exposure Typical International Exposure+ Portfolio Performance & Statistics Annualized Net Performance Volatility5 Active Share (LO) & Beta (L/S)6 Mulberry Street US Long-Only Open George Loening Laura McKenna 1991 $6,886 25-40 0.5% -10% 80%-100% US 5% 15.3% 16.2% 95% Great Jones Concentrated Opportunistic Long-Only Open Abigail Schumer 2007 $1,298 10-20 1% - 25% 70% - 100% Flexible <30% 10.6% 17.6% 98% LONG-ONLY STRATEGIES Baxter Street International Long-Only Hard Closed Chad Clark Matthew Pickering 2012 $11,030 30-60 1% - 10% APPENDIX 70% - 100% Non-US 100% 11.0% 13.0% 87% Sheridan Square' International Large Cap Long-Only Open Brian Vollmer 2017 $3,755 30-50 0.75% -6% 80% - 100% Non-US 100% 14.1% 15.2% 86% Crosby Street Global Large Cap Long-Only Open Brian Vollmer 2018 $1,871 40-55 0.5% -6% 80% - 100% Global 50% 18.5% 17.5% 89% Hudson Street² US Small Cap Open Nancy Walker 2020 $20 30-60 1% -8% 80% - 100% US 10% 98.1% N/A 97% SEG Partners US Long/Short Nearing Capacity George Loening 1998 LONG/SHORT STRATEGIES $6,685 50-80 0.25% -7.5% 55-85 0.25% -4% 160% - 200% Flexible <20% 12.1% 11.1% 0.41 Shinbone Alley Mobility-Focused Long/Short Open J.D. Delafield 2003 $170 10 - 20 2% -15% 1-5 1% -3% 90%-100% Flexible <20% 16.6% 16.9% 0.77 Cooper Square International Long/Short Open Chad Clark Matthew Pickering 2011 $1,755 40-60 1% - 10% 30-60 0% - 5% 140% - 180% Non-US Figures as of December 31, 2020. The most current month-end performance and AUM numbers are estimated. Past performance is not indicative of future results, which may vary. Portfolio characteristics are subject to change. The above assets include separately managed accounts. See important performance and other disclosures included at the back of this presentation. The historical performance shown above is that of a composite that includes the performance of the Sheridan Square Funds and two portfolios managed substantially similarly. Composite performance and Volatility are provided only as a reference and are estimated. The net composite performance is calculated using gross composite performance and modeled with a 1% management fee since inception of the composite on February 24, 2017. Brian Vollmer has primary responsibility for the day-to-day portfolio management and trading of Sheridan Square. ² Please note the returns presented for the Fund include both the restricted and non-restricted interests/share classes. Performance between the restricted and non-restricted classes may differ due to allocations of new issues. The Since Inception net returns for the restricted and non-restricted share classes are +86.9% and +155.9%, respectively. Additional information regarding the allocation and impact of specific new issues on the restricted and non-restricted interest/share class performance is available upon request. 3 In addition to the above listed strategies, SEG manages the Blackwall strategy representing approximately $1,229 million and a variety of customized strategies representing approximately $4,176 million as of December 31, 2020.4 The above figures represent ranges the Manager intends generally not to exceed. The Fund's offering documents, which control any investment, may not mandate that the Fund's portfolio be within these ranges. 5 Volatility is calculated using the standard deviation, or variance between monthly net return streams. Active Share measures the percentage of the most current quarter-end portfolio (based on position weights) that differs from the strategy's relevant benchmark. Active Share and Net Beta are calculated versus the S&P 500 for Great Jones, SEG Partners and Shinbone Alley. Mulberry Street is calculated versus the Russell Midcap. Baxter Street, Sheridan Square and Cooper Square are calculated versus the MSCI ACWI ex US. Crosby Street is calculated versus the MSCI ACWI. Hudson Street is calculated versus the Russell 2000. 100% 9.8% 11.1% 0.66 22
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