SpringOwl Activist Presentation Deck slide image

SpringOwl Activist Presentation Deck

Step Two: Replace A Number Of The Directors ▪ This board lacks sufficient experience in tech and mobile They have not exhibited enough "duty of care" to the shareholders for which they are supposed to be fiduciaries They have not shown sufficient oversight and monitoring responsibility ■ They seem not to care that upper executives are leaving the company in droves; have they done exit interviews with any of these departing executives? If so, they should immediately produce their notes to show shareholders for whom they are working ▪ Directors need to use the Yahoo products and be able to critique Katie Couric on Snapchat Discover ▪ There needs to be a new board of directors selected to pick the next CEO; this new board needs sufficient experience in the important areas of media, technology, digital, mobile and OTT Source: Spring Owl Asset Management LLC SpringOwl! Asset Management LLC Confidential | For Discussion Purposes Only | 78
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