Netstreit IPO Presentation Deck
Market Opportunity: Why NETSTREIT?
Investment grade tenancy provides defensive,
consistent performance through economic cycles
High-quality tenancy creates bond-like leases with
embedded growth
Sub-investment grade tenancy allows for more
negotiating leverage and higher relative yields
Defensive nature of NETSTREIT portfolio strategy
▪ Focused on benefits of restructuring leases (i.e.
extending lease terms) rather than pushing rent
collections during COVID-19
▪ Minimal exposure to experiential retail
▪ NETSTREIT's focus on defensive, credit tenancy in
essential industries is a deliberate and longstanding
strategy, rather than a reactionary shift to a post-
COVID-19 world
Investment Grade Tenancy³ 64%
Defensive Retail Tenancy
Q2 2020 Rent Collections
(Amid COVID-19 Disruption)
Experiential Retail Exposure
(Cinemas, Fitness, Childcare,
Family Entertainment)
88% 73%
87% 76%
Source Company dats. Portak data represents portlas of 781/2020 unless otherwise noted. 1. Figuros represent percentage of ABR unless otherwise noted. 2. Roñocts straightline averages for the following compania ADC,EPRT, FOPT, NNN.
O.SRC and STOR. Per disas of 3310020 with exception of rent collection data, which is asof 71312020, NETSTREIT ont collection is as of 7/22/2020, 3. Paor data based on closure available no of 7/3/2020; NAN investmont grade as of
12/31/2018: xcludes EPRT and STOR which do not report this m. 4. Dertensive tallbonancy and on rent from saman in necesity, discount or service-oria nånd industrias FCPT, NNN and STOR que duda industries as "Other"View entire presentation