Azerion Results Presentation Deck slide image

Azerion Results Presentation Deck

Financial update Premium Games - improving profitability driven by efficiency and cost management Financial performance 22 LL 4 Q2 '22 700 650 600 550 500 €0.40 22 569 Q2 '22 5 Q2 '23 azerion €0.42 556 €0.45 46 44 LL 10 8 559 H1'22 Operational performance H1'23 €0.42 €0.42 601 558 Q3 ¹22 Q4 '22 Q1 '23 Q2 '23 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 All figures in EURm unless otherwise indicated Net Revenue Adjusted EBITDA Daily Active Users (thousands) Revenue per daily active user (EUR) RHS Net revenue in Q2 2023 up approximately 3% year on year. Net revenue in H1 2023 up approximately 5% year on year. Adjusted EBTIDA grew by around 37% in Q2 2023 year on year; Adjusted EBTIDA grew by around 34% in H1 2023 year on year - mainly due to benefits of ongoing efficiency programmes. Daily active users in Q2 2023 relatively stable as compared to Q2 2022. 5% increase in revenue per daily active user in Q2 2023 as compared to Q2 2022. Focus on cross segment revenue growth by, for example, increasing integration of brand advertising into gaming environment and launch of Habbo X: Alpha 2 allowing brands to collaborate with audiences and create engageable collectables. 15
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