Overstock Results Presentation Deck slide image

Overstock Results Presentation Deck

Wayfair Summary Total Visits (in millions) 0.0% -5.0% -10.0% -15.0% -20.0% -25.0% -30.0% 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 48% $55 38% Difference in average price per item paid by consumers (net of discounts) for products sold by both Overstock and Wayfair - weighted by Overstock units sold Q4-14 -18.4% $35 $26 HH Q4 14 Q1 15 Q1-16 $58 52% 31% Q1-15 $62 overstock.com $26 Q2 15 Visits and Ad Spend 66% -19.8% →→→% Difference in Average Price Paid by Consumer Q2-16 45% Q2-15 $71 Wayfair Total Visits (M) -Wayfair Ad Spend ($M) $28 Q3 15 77% 42% Q3-15 --Wayfair Revenue Growth $88 $36 04 15 81% 61% Q4-15 $98 $29 -23.8% Q3-16 Q1 16 76% 68% $94 Q1-16 $30 Q2 16 Overstock Total Visits (M) Overstock Ad Spend ($M) 60% 53% $101 Q2-16 $32 Q3 16 45% 43% Q3-16 -21.0% Q4-16 $116 $44 Q4 16 --Wayfair Advertising Growth 33% 32% $140 $120 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 Q4-16 $- Ad Spend (in millions) ($,000) $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $(50,000) 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% $ 0% ($,000) $50,000 $ $(50,000) $(100,000) $(150,000) $(200,000) $(250,000) Wayfair Contribution $ 62% 36% 2012 Q4-14 54% Q1-15 $15,154 44% 2012 $(21,005) 2013 65% 52% Q2-15 →→-Overstock Accounts Payable % of Cash $16,344 80% 2013 59% -Contribution $ needed to breakeven (pre-tax) Q3-15 $(15,480) 2014 72% 70% $13,205 $(147,923) 81% 2014 Overstock Retail Pre-Tax Income 2015 62% Q4-15 Q1-16 Q2-16 88% 64% -Wayfair Accounts Payable % of Cash $10,092 $(77,348) 2016 2015 107% 68% Q3-16 ■Wayfair Pre-Tax Income 109% Q4-16 $32,332 58% $(193,767) 2016 26
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