UBS Fixed Income Presentation Deck slide image

UBS Fixed Income Presentation Deck

Prudent management of liquidity and funding Liquidity and funding 175% 118% LCR NSFR Strong deposit base and flows enabled full repayment of PLB and ELA+ in 3Q ~550m funding costs in 2Q from PLB and ELA+, ~100m in 3Q We will continue to execute on our issuance plan in the coming weeks Fully repaid higher cost SNB facilities Drawn SNB liquidity facilities¹ CHF bn PLB² 100bn available ELA+³ 100bn available4 120 70 50 20.3.23 70 20 50 31.3.23 25 0 25 30.6.23 0 31.8.23 UBS 1 Chart excludes Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) facility with CHF 38bn drawn by Credit Suisse (Schweiz) AG as of 31.8.23; 2 Public Liquidity Backstop. Pricing: SNB policy rate (1.75% as of 31.8.23) + 3.00% + commitment premium of 0.25% of the available CHF 100bn, regardless of how much is drawn; 3 Emergency Liquidity Assistance+. Pricing: SNB policy rate + 3.00%; 4 50bn for Credit Suisse and 50bn for UBS 16
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