Bank of America Investment Banking Pitch Book slide image

Bank of America Investment Banking Pitch Book

RHO Generally Has Outpaced Peers on Portfolio Improvements RHO (¹) Historical Mall Occupancy 87.7% Q4 2011 Change Since 4Q 11 +460bps Change Since 40 '11 13 (3 7 (0 19 92.3% Historical Sales PSF $287 Q1 2012 03 2015 $345 Q3 2015 +21.5% RHO management successfully has increased occupancy and sales PSF over last several years, especially compared to retail peer selected companies CBL (3) 89.7% 04 2011 PEI (2²) 260bps $376 Q1 2012 92.3% Q3 2015 +16.2% $424 03 2015 94.2% Q4 2011 $340 91.6% (260bps) Q1 2012 Q3 2015 Preliminary, Subject to Further Review and Revision Bank of America Merrill Lynch $371 Q3 2015 +10.4% WPG (4) 92.2% Q4 2011 $404 90.6% (160bps) Q1 2012 03 2015 $361 Q3 2015 (10.6%) Sources: Public filings. RHO occupancy figures represent & leased for non-onchor resants. RHO did not report occupied bok in Q4 2011, for Q1 2012 and 03 2015, occupied bash percentages are 85.5% and 887%, respectively. Represents tot mall store non anchor occupancy per public filings Represents total stabilired mall portfolio occupancy per public figs. Represents non-onchor core moll portfolio occupancy (excluding seven non-core properties) os publicly reported. 2011 occupancy reflects GRT (Glimcher Realty Trust) figures per public filings. Other retol selected companies include SPG, GGP, MAC, TCO, and SAT. Selected companies" overage weighted by in line (non anchor) gross leasable oveo (GLA). Shown for informational purposes. Other Retail (5) 93.6% Q4 2011 $559 95.7% +210bps Q1 2012 Q3 2015 $608 Q3 2015 +21.7%
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