Cerberus Global NPL Fund, L.P.
This presentation is being furnished to provide preliminary
information regarding Cerberus Capital
Management, L.P. (together with its affiliated management/
general partner entities, operations companies, loan
servicing companies and funds and accounts "Cerberus")
and a global Non-Performing Loan ("NPL") fund managed
by Cerberus (the "Cerberus Global NPL Fund, L.P." or the
"Fund"). This presentation and the materials set forth herein
may not be reproduced or used for any other purpose. This
presentation is confidential and any unauthorized copying,
disclosure or distribution of these materials without the
express consent of Cerberus is strictly prohibited.
The information contained herein is provided for
informational purposes only, is not complete, and does not
contain certain material information about Cerberus, the
Funds and accounts managed by Cerberus (the "Cerberus
Funds") or the Fund, including important disclosures and
risk factors, and is subject to change without notice. This
document is not intended to be, nor should it be construed
or used as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any offer to
buy an interest in any entity, which offer may only be made
at the time a qualified offeree receives a confidential
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(a "memorandum"). In the event of any conflict between
information contained herein and information contained in
a memorandum, the information in the memorandum will
control and supersede the information contained herein.
The information set forth herein is based upon information
reasonably available to Cerberus as of the date of these
materials. The delivery of this information shall not, under
any circumstances, create any implication that the
information contained herein is correct in all respects,
including as of any time subsequent to the date hereof,
and Cerberus does not undertake any obligation update
such information at any time after such date.
Further, the information and data presented do not
constitute, and is not intended to constitute, "marketing"
as defined in the European directive of the alternative
investment Fund managers
Proprietary and Confidential | Not for Further Distribution
Cerberus is exempt from the requirement to hold an
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Act 2011 (CTH) in respect of financial services. Cerberus
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Counterparties, as defined by the rules of the FCA.
The representative of Cerberus Global NPL Feeder Fund,
L.P. (the "Feeder Fund") in Switzerland is Hugo Fund
Services SA, 6 Cours de Rive, 1204 Geneva. Banque
Heritage SA, 61 Route de Chêne, CH-1208 Geneva,
Switzerland is the Swiss paying agent. The distribution of
interests in the Feeder Fund in Switzerland must exclusively
be made to qualified investors. The offering documents and
annual or semi-annual reports of the Feeder Fund can be
obtained free of charge from the representative. The place
of performance and jurisdiction for interests in the Feeder
Fund distributed in Switzerland are at the registered office of
the representative.
Fecha de inicio de la oferta
23 de Febrero de 2018 (i) La
presente oferta se acoge a la Norma de Carácter General
N° 336 de la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero de Chile;
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versa, no están sujetos a su fiscalización; (iii) Que por
tratarse de valores no inscritos, no existe la obligación por
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This presentation contains highly confidential information,
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presentation shall not be understood as an offer or
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respect to the eligibility of any recipient of these materials to
acquire the interests in the Partnership under the laws of
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Certain statements contained herein may constitute
"forward-looking statements," which can be identified
by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may",
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terminology. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual
events or results or the actual performance may differ
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The information herein is not intended to provide, and
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