Ares U.S. Real Estate Opportunity Fund IV, L.P. (“AREOF IV”)
This is a marketing communication. Sustainability-related aspects of the investment included herein, if applicable, should be read in conjunction with all of the
characteristics or objectives as described in the offering memorandum. Information in this presentation is as of June 30, 2023 at the request of PASERS. These
materials are neither an offer to sell, nor the solicitation of an offer to purchase, any security, the offer and/or sale of which can only be made by definitive offering
documentation. Any offer or solicitation with respect to any securities that may be issued by any investment vehicle (each, an "Ares Fund") managed or sponsored by Ares
Management LLC or any of its subsidiary or other affiliated entities (collectively, "Ares Management") will be made only by means of definitive offering memoranda, which will
be provided to prospective investors and will contain material information that is not set forth herein, including risk factors relating to any such investment. Any such offering
memoranda will supersede these materials and any other marketing materials (in whatever form) provided by Ares Management to prospective investors. In addition, these
materials are not an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to purchase securities of Ares Management Corporation ("Ares Corp"), the parent of Ares Management. An
investment in Ares Corp is discrete from an investment in any fund directly or indirectly managed by Ares Corp. Collectively, Ares Corp, its affiliated entities, a all underlying
subsidiary entities shall be referred to as "Ares" unless specifically noted otherwise. Certain Ares Funds may be offered through our affiliate, Ares Management Capital Markets
LLC ("AMCM"), a broker-dealer registered with the SEC, and a member of FINRA and SIPC.
In making a decision to invest in any securities of an Ares Fund, prospective investors should rely only on the offering memorandum for such securities and not on these
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undertakes no duty or obligation to update or revise the information contained in these materials.
The recipient should conduct its own investigations and analyses of Ares and the relevant Ares Fund and the information set forth in these materials. Nothing in these
materials should be construed as a recommendation to invest in any securities that may be issued by Ares Corp or an Ares Fund or as legal, accounting or tax advice. Before
making a decision to invest in any Ares Fund, a prospective investor should carefully review information respecting Ares and such Ares Fund and consult with its own legal,
accounting, tax and other advisors in order to independently assess the merits of such an investment.
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These materials may contain "forward-looking" information that is not purely historical in nature, and such information may include, among other things, projections,
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investors should not view the past performance of Ares as indicative of future results. Ares does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or review any forward-looking
information, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.
Some funds managed by Ares or its affiliates may be unregistered private investment partnerships, funds or pools that may invest and trade in many different markets,
strategies and instruments and are not subject to the same regulatory requirements as mutual funds, including mutual fund requirements to provide čertain periodic and
standardized pricing and valuation information to investors. Fees vary and may potentially be high.
These materials also contain information about Ares and certain of its personnel and affiliates whose portfolios are managed by Ares or its affiliates. This information has
been supplied by Ares to provide prospective investors with information as to its general portfolio management experience. Information of a particular fund or investment
strategy is not and should not be interpreted as a guaranty of future performance. Moreover, no assurance can be given that unrealized, targeted or projected valuations or
returns will be achieved. Future results are subject to any number of risks and factors, many of which are beyond the control of Ares. In addition, an investment in one Ares
Fund will be discrete from an investment in any other Ares Fund and will not be an investment in Ares Corp. As such, neither the realized returns nor the unrealized values
attributable to one Ares Fund are directly applicable to an investment in any other Ares Fund. An investment in an Ares Fund (other than in publicly traded securities) is illiquid
and its value is volatile and can suffer from adverse or unexpected market moves or other adverse events. Funds may engage in speculative investment practices such as
leverage, short-selling, arbitrage, hedging, derivatives, and other strategies that may increase investment loss. Investors may suffer the loss of their entire investment. In
addition, in light of the various investment strategies of such other investment partnerships, funds and/or pools, it is noted that such other investment programs may have
portfolio investments inconsistent with those of the strategy or investment vehicle proposed herein.
This may contain information obtained from third parties, including ratings from credit ratings agencies such as Standard & Poor's. Reproduction and distribution of third
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REF: RE-03930
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