Apollo Global Management Investor Day Presentation Deck
Important Information
Target Returns
Target returns including Target IRR are presented solely for providing insight into an investment's objectives and detailing anticipated risk and reward characteristics in order to facilitate comparisons with other investments and for establishing a
benchmark for future evaluation of the investment's performance. Target returns are not predictions, projections or guarantees of future performance. Target returns are based upon estimates and assumptions that a potential investment will yield a
return equal to or greater than the target. There can be no assurance that Apollo will be successful in finding investment opportunities that meet these anticipated return parameters. Apollo's target of potential returns from an investment is not a
guarantee as to the quality of the investment or a representation as to the adequacy of Apollo's methodology for estimating returns. Target returns should not be used as a primary basis for an investor's decision to make an investment. Unless otherwise
indicated, target returns are presented gross and do not reflect the effect of applicable fees, incentive compensation, certain expenses and taxes.
Index Comparisons
Index performance and yield data are shown for illustrative purposes only and have limitations when used for comparison or for other purposes due to, among other matters, volatility, credit or other factors (such as number of investments, recycling or
reinvestment of distributions, and types of assets). It may not be possible to directly invest in one or more of these indices and the holdings of any strategy may differ markedly from the holdings of any such index in terms of levels of diversification,
types of securities or assets represented and other significant factors. Indices are unmanaged, do not charge any fees or expenses, assume reinvestment of income and do not employ special investment techniques such as leveraging or short selling. No
such index is indicative of the future results of any strategy or Apollo Fund.
Models that may be contained herein (the "Models") are being provided for illustrative and discussion purposes only and are not intended to forecast or predict future events. Information provided in the Models may not reflect the most current data and
is subject to change. The Models are based on estimates and assumptions that are also subject to change and may be subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, including numerous uncontrollable market and event driven
situations. There is no guarantee that the information presented in the Models is accurate. Actual results may differ materially from those reflected and contemplated in such hypothetical, forward-looking information. Undue reliance should not be
placed on such information and investors should not use the Models to make investment decisions. Apollo has no duty to update the Models in the future.
Products and Investments that Have Not Yet Launched/Closed
Certain products, strategies, etc. referenced herein may not have launched or closed, and there can be no guarantee or assurance that they will launch or close in the future. In addition, certain transactions referenced herein, have not closed, and are
subject to closing conditions. There can be no guarantee or assurance that these transactions will close.
References to Certain Investments
Specific references to investments have been provided on a non-performance based criteria for information purposes only. Apollo makes no guarantee that similar investments would be available in the future or, if available, would be profitable.
Ratings Information
Apollo, its affiliates, and third parties that provide information to Apollo, such as rating agencies, do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or availability of any information, including ratings, and are not responsible for any errors or
omissions (negligent or otherwise), regardless of the cause, or the results obtained from the use of such content. Apollo, its affiliates and third party content providers give no express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, any warranties of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use, and they expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability for direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs expenses, legal fees or losses
(including lost income or profits and opportunity costs) in connection with the use of the information herein. Credit ratings are statements of opinions and not statements of facts or recommendations to purchase, hold or sell securities. They do not
address the suitability of securities for investment purposes and should not be relied on as investment advice. Neither Apollo nor any of its respective affiliates have any responsibility to update any of the information provided in this summary document.
Please see the Forward-Looking Statements and Important Disclosures pages and Definitions pages for additional important disclosures and definitions. Historical definitions of certain terms used herein
may differ from current definitions.
In addition, information about factors affecting Apollo, including a description of risks that should be considered when making a decision to purchase or sell any securities of Apollo, can be found in its public filings with the SEC that are available at
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