Advent SPAC Presentation Deck
Advent Fuel Cells Outperform
Any Fuel, Anywhere
Long lasting
High Power
Cost Competitive
Advent technology allows fuel cells to be:
Bringing down cost/kW - Advent's fuel cell technology enables
longer-lasting, lower cost, more robust and more powerful fuel
• The same holds true for air purity; air pollution decreases power in low temperature
fuel cells
Degradation is still a problem for fuel cells
Advent can more than triple lifetime (~10,000 hrs to 10% power loss vs 3,500)
Hydrogen infrastructure can be delivered quickly and efficiently with methanol or other
hydrogen sources such as biogas
Impurities in regular hydrogen such as 10 ppm CO (carbon monoxide) kill a low
temperature fuel cell - our materials withstand > 2 % CO
Reducing humidity and temperature issues increases life and reduces cost, and these
units work anywhere in the world
Low temperature cannot run hot and dry - no less than 50% Relative Humidity (RH) and
not hotter than 70 °C while our technology runs from 0% RH (Nevada) to 100% (Florida
in the summer)
• At least as powerful as current tech (1,100 mW/cm2 peak power) without the extra
weight and volume of complex oling and water management
Roll-to-roll processing mated to catalyst technology that reduces platinum 8-10 fold
Simpler system design and fuel flexibility drop TCO massively
Advent vs incumbent LT-PEM technology
-HT PEM Advent
-Low Temp
(hrs to 10% Voltage
Fuel Flexibility
[CO Tolerance/1000
Resilience -Highest T
Runs Humid or Dry
[%RH range (delta)]
Peak Power/10
Acquisition Corp.
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