BlockFi Bankruptcy Presentation Deck slide image

BlockFi Bankruptcy Presentation Deck

Illustrative Transfers - Pre-Platform Pause BlockFi BlockFi Employees conduct the True-Up Process and/or the Batching Process with respect to transfer request data collected on the Company-Facing Interface 5 BlockFi Employees TITT True-Up Process (T+1 business day) Batching Process 18 Hours for Crypto; ASAP for Fiat (No Later than T+7) See Cheela Decl. 1 38. See Stipulated Facts [Docket No. 842], ¶ ¶ 51, 55, 56, 57.. B B B Wallet Coin Balances B B 4 B B B B A 4 → → → → B +10 BTC P S B B B B B B BIA B B B B B B B B B B -10 BTC 43 B B B B
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