Evotec ESG Presentation Deck
• To assess Evotec's alignment to relevant market practices regarding the design of the remuneration framework as well as the level of
remuneration, the Supervisory Board has defined two comparator peer groups to account for two main considerations
• In line with German regulatory requirements, there are three appropriateness criteria to be considered for the definition of peer group:
Country, industry and size
Two peer groups considered to reflect Evotec's international
footprint and NASDAQ listing
Rationale of the peer group development
Peer group 1: MDAX
The aim of this peer group is to meet the applicable regulatory
requirements and reflect the German market as lead comparator
market from a legal & regulatory perspective
• Peer companies also listed in the MDAX
- German based companies with broad industry focus
100% listed companies
• Companies comparable in terms of size and complexity
(listed in a common index)
MDAX as lead comparator does not reflect industry focus & international
perspective, thus an additional competitor peer group has been defined
Peer group 2: US / International competitors
As globally operating company with NASDAQ listing, this peer
group focuses on relevant international competitors representing
both the industry perspective and Evotec's business & talent market
• International competitors active in the Health Care sector
- International competitors (63% European, 31% US & Canadian,
6% Chinese based companies)
- 100% listed companies
• Companies comparable in terms of size and complexity
(30% to 300% of Evotec's size based on market cap measures)
• Balanced to include two additional companies that are considered
direct competitors from both a business and talent perspectiveView entire presentation