Bank of America Results Presentation Deck slide image

Bank of America Results Presentation Deck

CET1 Ratio¹ Drivers 10.5% 2Q22 ill +40 bps $6.6B Net income applicable to common shareholders (11 bps) $1.8B Common dividends (3 bps) $0.4B Share repurchases² (7 bps) ($1.1B) OCI on AFS debt securities +26 bps ($38.6B) Risk-weighted assets +4 bps $0.6B Other 11.0% 3Q22 Note: Amounts may not total due to rounding. Dollar values indicate changes in CET1 capital, except for risk-weighted assets, which represents change in RWA. 1 Regulatory capital ratios at September 30, 2022 are preliminary. The Corporation reports regulatory capital ratios under both the Standardized and Advanced approaches. The approach that yields the lower ratio is used to assess capital adequacy, which for CET1 is the Standardized approach for all reporting periods presented. 2 Gross share repurchases, excluding shares awarded under equity-based compensation plans. 8
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