Evercore Investment Banking Pitch Book slide image

Evercore Investment Banking Pitch Book

Financial Analysis Summary Valuation $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $10.00 $5.00 $0.00 -$5.00 -$10.00 $17.25 (L) $12.61 NYMEX Strip (12/1/12) 1 I $0.26 -$2.72 1 I I Cash consideration: $14.75 $13.14 Rinloed NAV Analywin $75.000/$300 Gav $8.33 59000C/54.00 $22.35 $10500/350 Ga I Cash plus 1.15 ORRI I Trust units (Risked): $17.20 (1) I I- $16.33 $7.68 Peer Group Trating Analyvin Proved Reserves $2.50-$3.25/Mefe I) Prodamon $6,500-$700/Mefed 2612EEBIDAX Ner Rod ReLICE $010-058/Mefe $20.83 $13.49 Przedem Ar Gulf of Micro Shaif Prod Reserves $250-$3.50/Mefe LC) Product Gulf C Ossbon Proved Reserv $250-54.00/Mefic 1) Produ 1 Cash plus 1.15 ORRI Trust units 1 | (Unrisked): $19.35 $11.67 $5.66 Procasten Train Pretendent Corporac Can Pred Reserves $800-3:200/Mele LQ Produm $2000-$250/ Mefed 2012E EBITDAX 145-17.0x 2016 EBTIDAX 120-155 $16.98 $10.23 Takeover Prem $18.53 $8.83 Confidential Rich Analys Price Target Prom Value of 12-More Pric Lange Documed a 133% (MMR's uryce of capital $16.13 Lira-Deep Ner Rished Revo Vans ORRI Trust it raine based on the midpoint of the per unit value of the ORRI Trust at a 10% discount rate and an 11% discount rate using the NAV Assumptions under NYMEX Staip pricing as of December 3, 2012, assuming a $16.90 offer value for purposes of calculating make-whole and fally diluted shares assuming a December 31, 2012 closing date EVERCORE PARTNERS 10 $12.46 Rinked NAV Analyxi Assuming Hypothetical Jain Venture NYMEX Smp (12/1/12) Jan Venne Vime of min condon imprid of $50 min af upinam cad $3000m of decling carry wurking in in MMR's Lia-Deup Asses MCMoRan
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