Akouos IPO Presentation Deck
AK-OTOF Overview
Delivery Method
Mechanism of Action
Progress and Status
AK-OTOF encodes otoferlin, a protein that enables the sensory cells of the ear to release.
neurotransmitter vesicles, activating auditory neurons
Estimated 20,000 cases of OTOF-mediated hearing loss in the US and EU
• Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss due to mutations in the otoferlin, or OTOF, gene
• Mutations in the OTOF gene are a major cause of genetic nonsyndromic hearing loss
Use AAVAnc80 as a delivery vehicle for the OTOF gene
Administer product candidate directly into the inner ear
Encodes otoferlin to enable release of neurotransmitter vesicles to activate auditory neurons in
response to sound
• Auditory neurons then carry electronically encoded acoustic information to the brain allowing:
us to hear
Promising preclinical data in representative mouse models
Pre-IND meeting with FDA.
• Executing on agreed IND-enabling preclinical studies
• Designing a Phase 1/2 trial for AK-OTOF and plan to file an IND in 2021
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