Meyer Burger Investor Presentation slide image

Meyer Burger Investor Presentation

OPEX (1) Personnel - Employees ☐ ☐ Number of FTE at 31 Dec 2018: 1,191 FTE (at 31 Dec 2017: 1,276 FTE) Reorganisation Thun (announced Nov 2017): 30 FTE transferred with sale of Solar Systems unit. Up to 100 FTE to be transferred with sale of Wafering business to Precision Surfacing Solutions (PSS) by end of Q1 2019 (replaces earlier plan with outsourcing to Flex). Transformation programme (announced Oct 2018): c. 100 FTE to be affected by measures initiated in transformation programme (2019/2020) Temporary staff: Decrease of 99 FTE due to lower order intakes and production volumes Organisation is becoming leaner with increased flexibility on cost structure Employees MEYER BURGER FTE 2000 * c.100 to PSS; and 100 transf programme 175 1500 -49 -100 75 -36 +1 76 C.-200* 1000 1276 1227 1191 500 0 31 Dec 17 MCHF 100 AFTE ATemporary 30 Jun 18 AFTE ATemporary 31 Dec 18 Employees (permanent positions) Temporary employees Personnel expenses HY 2017/2018 80 69 67 64 60 To leave Personnel expenses declined by 7% ☐ ☐ Personnel expenses 2018 lower by MCHF 9.8 compared to 2017 (2018: MCHF 125.9; 2017: MCHF 135.7) Significantly reduced fix costs. PEX reduction achieved through reduction of permanent and temporary employees as well as divestments 32 Meyer Burger Technology Ltd, Presentation for Investors, Analysts and Media 40 40 20 62 62 0 H117 H2 17 H1 18 H2 18
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