Optimizing Design and Controls for Thermal Energy Storage slide image

Optimizing Design and Controls for Thermal Energy Storage

Parallel Phase Front Approximation Model Assumes that the melting front of the phase change composite is always parallel to the flow direction of the heat transfer fluid I' th solid thliquid RPCM = Крсм surface • For a given driving temperature difference (cutoff temperature - Transition temperature) the maximum allowable phase change composite layer thickness needed for full charge utilization can be derived assuming a constant phase change composite thermal conductivity • An effective charge utilization can be determined from relating the maximum thermal resistance of the PCM layer to the allowable thickness determined by the cutoff temperature for a given power delivery requirement Target conditions: Qtarget = Crate * Cap Resistance when you reach cutoff: Qtarget Tfluid,cutoff - Tt Rconv + Rcontact + Rcutoff Rcutoff SOC cutoff = 1 - Rmax
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