Arrival SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Arrival SPAC Presentation Deck

FINANCIALS AND TRANSACTION OVERVIEW Future opportunities Multiple vehicles Multiple vehicle platforms and variants from modular skateboard platform - All designed to be built by robots in the same Microfactory Configurable design enables rapid customization for local markets and highly accelerated entry into new segments 1) ZEV: Zero Emission Vehicle. 2) ACT: Advanced Clean Truck. INVESTOR PRESENTATION Autonomous - Flexible hardware configuration Currently undergoing trials in depot environments SaaS platform Currently building multiple customer-facing software packages such as vehicle health monitoring, fleet optimization tools, and driver applications - Potential recurring revenue over time Emissions credits Several vehicles positioned to generate emission credit sales under ZEV¹ and ACT2 regulations 44 Traditional OEMs under pressure from government CO₂ targets - Surplus Arrival credits can be sold to other OEM's that are not producing EVs Continued adoption of EV regulation across other states will further facilitate credits CONFIDENTIAL - ARRIVAL SARL
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