Grove SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Grove SPAC Presentation Deck

Grove Has Consistently Out-Grown the Category, and Is Poised to Accelerate as Growth Normalizes Post-COVID Historical Long Term Category Growth Rates (1) Clean / Natural Industry Long-Term Growth Rate 9% Grove 18 - 21E CAGR 54% Notes: I. Clean/Natural growth rate estimated based on a variety of third-party research and represents CAGR from 2019 - 2025 2. Source: Nielsen POS XAOC scan data for 26 weeks ending 10-9-2021; growth rates represent L26W YOY ● ● 2021 Post-COVID Category Growth Rates vs. Grove (2) Total Natural Cleaning (22%) Natural Hand Soap (26%) Natural Household Cleaners (19%) Natural Dish Grove 2021E Care (15%) • In 2021, the clean/natural home care category is tracking down over 20% y/y lapping COVID Consumer stock up during COVID is contributing to a material down year across the category We have not assumed material regression to long-term category growth rates in our forecast, but Grove is well positioned for a category rebound 6% 48 %
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