Grab Results Presentation Deck
This Presentation and the investor webcast also includes "Pre-InterCo" data that does not reflect elimination of intragroup transactions, which means such data includes earnings and other amounts from transactions between entities within the
Grab group that are eliminated upon consolidation. Such data differs materially from the corresponding figures post-elimination of intra-group transactions.
We compare the percent change in our current period results from the corresponding prior period using constant currency. We present constant currency growth rate information to provide a framework for assessing how our underlying GMV
and revenue performed excluding the effect foreign currency rate fluctuations. We calculate constant currency by translating our current period financial results using the corresponding prior period's monthly exchange rates for our
transacted currencies other than the U.S. dollar.
Operating Metrics
Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) is an operating metric representing the sum of the total dollar value of transactions from Grab's services, including any applicable taxes, tips, tolls and fees, over the period of measurement. GMV is a metric by
which Grab understands, evaluates and manages its business, and Grab's management believes is necessary for investors to understand and evaluate its business. GMV provides useful information to investors as it represents the amount of a
consumer's spend that is being directed through Grab's platform. This metric enables Grab and investors to understand, evaluate and compare the total amount of customer spending that is being directed through its platform over a period of
time. Grab presents GMV as a metric to understand and compare, and to enable investors to understand and compare, Grab's aggregate operating results, which captures significant trends in its business over time.
Total Payments Volume (TPV) means total payments volume received from consumers, which is an operating metric defined as the value of payments, net of payment reversals, successfully completed through our platform.
Monthly Transacting User (MTUS) is defined as the monthly transacting users, which is an operating metric defined as the monthly number of unique users who transact via Grab's products, where transact means to have successfully paid for
any of Grab's products. MTUS over a quarterly or annual period are calculated based on the average of the MTUs for each month in the relevant period. MTUS is a metric by which Grab understands, evaluates and manages its business, and
Grab's management believes is necessary for investors to understand and evaluate its business.
Commission Rate represents the total dollar value paid to Grab in the form of commissions and fees from each transaction, without any adjustments for incentives paid to driver- and merchant-partners or promotions to end-users, as a
percentage of GMV, over the period of measurement.
Partner incentives is an operating metric representing the dollar value of incentives granted to driver- and merchant-partners. The incentives granted to driver- and merchant-partners include base incentives and excess incentives, with base
incentives being the amount of incentives paid to driver- and merchant-partners up to the amount of commissions and fees earned by Grab from those driver- and merchant-partners, and excess incentives being the amount of payments
made to driver- and merchant-partners that exceed the amount of commissions and fees earned by Grab from those driver- and merchant-partners.
Consumer incentives is an operating metric representing the dollar value of discounts and promotions offered to consumers. Partner incentives and consumer incentives are metrics by which we understand, evaluate and manage our business,
and we believe are necessary for investors to understand and evaluate our business. We believe these metrics capture significant trends in our business over time.
Industry and Market Data
This Presentation and the investor webcast also contains information, estimates and other statistical data derived from third-party sources (including Euromonitor), including research, surveys or studies, some of which are preliminary drafts,
conducted by third parties, information provided by customers and/or industry or general publications. Such information involves a number of assumptions and limitations and due to the nature of the techniques and methodologies used in
market research, and as such neither Grab nor the third-party sources (including Euromonitor) can guarantee the accuracy of such information. You are cautioned not to give undue weight on such estimates. Grab has not independently
verified such third-party information, and make no representation as to the accuracy of such third-party information.
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