Statement of Financial Condition slide image

Statement of Financial Condition

UBS Securities LLC Notes to the Statement of Financial Condition (continued) (In Thousands) 6. Fair Value Measurement (continued) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis (continued) Financial Instruments owned, pledged as collateral, represent proprietary positions which have been pledged as collateral to counterparties on terms which permit the counterparty to sell or repledge the securities to others. The Company also pledges financial instruments owned, at fair value as collateral to counterparties on terms that do not permit the counterparty to sell or repledge the securities, which amounted to $983,453 at December 31, 2021 as follows: Corporate debt, including convertible securities $ 905,746 U.S. Government and agency obligations 77,707 983,453 $ Securities sold, not yet purchased represent obligations of the Company to deliver the specified securities at contracted prices and, thereby, requires the Company to purchase the securities in the market at prevailing prices. The Company's ultimate obligation to satisfy the sale of securities sold, not yet purchased may exceed the amount reflected in the statement of financial condition. Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value Other financial instruments are recorded by the Company at contract amounts and include cash and cash equivalents, short-term borrowings, receivables from and payables to customers, receivables from and payables to brokers, dealers, and clearing organizations, securities borrowed and securities loaned, exchange memberships, dividends and interest receivable, dividends and interest payable, and subordinated borrowings. All financial instruments carried at contract amounts either have short-term maturities (one year or less), or bear market interest rates and, accordingly, are carried at amounts approximating fair value. The fair value of resale agreements and repurchase agreements are computed using a standard cash flow discounting methodology. The inputs to the valuation include contractual cash flows and collateral funding spreads, which are estimated using various benchmarks, interest rate yield curves and option volatilities. The table below represents the carrying value, fair value, and fair value hierarchy category of certain financial instruments that are not recorded at fair value in the Company's statement of financial condition. This table excludes all non-financial assets and liabilities. 24
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