E2open Results Presentation Deck slide image

E2open Results Presentation Deck

Reconciliation of Proforma EBITDA Second Quarter FY2023 mons) Net Income (loss) Interest expense, net Income tax benefit Depreciation and amortization EBITDA Deferred revenue purchase accounting adjustment (2) Share-based compensation (5) Non-recurringinan-operating costs (6) Acquisition-related adjustments (7) Change in tax receivable agreement liability (8) Change in fair value of warrant liability (9) Change in fair value of contingent consideration (10) Goodwill impairment Fixed asset impairment adjustment Adjusted EBITDA BlJay pre-acquisition EBITDA and other (11) Logistx pre-acquisition EBITDA and other (11) Total adjusted EBITDA (3) Adjusted EBITDA Margin % (3) Constant currency FX impact (4) Total adjusted EBITDA (constant currency basis) Adjusted EBITDA Margin % (constant currency basis) (2) (3) 02 FY2023 (409.6) 17.3 (1137) (6) 27 56 (8.1) (152) (7:3) 514:8 24 $48.3 ■ $48.3 30.1% (0.9) 02 FY20220 (24.0) 60 20.8 142 Represents the expense related to the change in the far value of the tax receivable agreement ability, including interest Represents the fol valve adjustment at each balance sheet date of me warrant ability related to the public, private placement and forward purchase warranty. (10) Represents the fair vahui adjustment at each balance sheet date of the contingent concentration ability related to the restricted Series 8-1 and B-2 common stock and Sponsor Side Letter. (11) Inches Revenue and Aqusted EBITDA for Logistys and Bluday Solutions for the pre-acquisition periods, as well as an adjustment for deferred commissions for adoption of ASC 808 e2open 21 72 (18.7) 168 0.0 $33.5 17.0 (0.2) $50.4 32.5% $50.4 31.5% Non-GAAP promemchove of Logister and Bludlay, asacubed on March 1, 2021. Non-GAAP revenue adds back amortization of the purchase accounting for valve adjustment to deferred revenue resulting for the business combination as required by GAAP. This is no longer required beginning in fecal year 2023 Constant Currency Excluding the impact of Foreign Currency refers to pro-forma amounts, which include translation and transactional impacts from foreign currency exchange rates $ Var 113 (1197) ($460.7) 0.7 (16) (87) 3.6 (240) 514.8 24 $14.8 (17:0) 0.2 ($2.0) (0.9) ($2.9) Var wm 186.6% 160.1% P/m October 20, 2022 103.2% www Constant Currency refers to pro-forma amounts acting the impact of manstang foreign currencies into US dollars To calculate foreign currency translation on a constant currency basis operating results for the current year pered for entities reporting in currencies other than the US dolarare translated into US dollars at the exchange rates in effect during the comparable period of the prior year ratherman the actual exchange rates in effect during the current year period Refects non-cash long-term share-based compensation expense, primarily related to senior management Poimanly includes other non-recuming expenses such as systems integrations and consulting and advisory fees. ni www W m/im n/m 44.3% nim nim 4.0% mm Primary includes advisory, consulting, accounting and legal expenses incurred in connection with margers and acquisitions actives, hiding related valuation, negotiation and integration costs and capital-raising activities, including costs related to the Business Combination, as well as the Buday and Logestor acquestions 13
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