Netstreit Investor Presentation Deck
Non-GAAP Measures and Definitions (cont'd)
The defensive sub-categories as we define them are as follows: (1) Necessity, which are retailers that are considered essential by
consumers and include sectors such as drug stores, grocers and home improvement, (2) Discount, which are retailers that offer a low
price point and consist of off-price and dollar stores, (3) Service, which consist of retailers that provide services rather than goods,
including, tire and auto services and quick service restaurants, and (4) Other, which are retailers that are not considered defensive in
terms of being considered necessity, discount or service, as defined by us.
Investments are lease agreements in place at owned properties, properties that have leases associated with mortgage loans receivable,
developments where rent commenced, or in the case of master lease arrangements each property under the master lease is counted as a
separate lease.
Occupancy is expressed as a percentage, and it is the number of economically occupied properties divided by the total number of
properties owned, excluding mortgage loans receivable and properties under development.
OP Units means operating partnership units not held by NETSTREIT.
Weighted Average Lease Term is weighted by the annualized base rent, excluding lease extension options and investments associated
with mortgage loans receivable.
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