Omega Therapeutics IPO Presentation Deck slide image

Omega Therapeutics IPO Presentation Deck

Tunability and Durability Effect on master regulators and durable modulation of target gene expression Tunability Bi-directional effects on a master regulatory gene in human cells % Relative expression to Control EpiZip: HEP.20.qX.Y.Z.552 400- 300- 200- 100- -100- Ⓒ2021 Omega Therapeutics, Inc. Controller A Controller B 6 mRNA fold change normalized to - ve control d Durability Durable modulation of gene expression over days, weeks and months EpiZip: H3B.08.qX.Y.Z.930 Days Negative control Lead controller mRNA fold change normalized to - ve control 0.8- 0.6 0.4 0.0- EpiZip: K562.15.X.Y.Z.547 Weeks Negative control Lead contrailer 18
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