EVE SPAC Presentation Deck
Vehicle Design Optimized for Urban Mobility
Flexible Seating Capacity
4 passengers at entry into service
Up to 6 in autonomous mode (1)
High Utilization Rate
Designed for thousands of flight cycles
per year with industry-leading reliability
Lift + Cruise Design
Most practical design choice for
efficiency and certifiability
Tailored for Urban Mobility
100 km (60 mile) range at EIS
Addresses 99% of UAM missions in cities
and metropolitan areas (2)
Leading Cost Efficiency
Over 6x lower cost-per-seat than helicopters
and best-in-class for eVTOLS (3)
Community Friendly
Approximately 90% lower noise footprint
compared to equivalent helicopters (4)
Note: Expected vehicle performance metrics are based on preliminary models, simulations and proof of concepts ("PoCs"). Actual performance characteristics are subject to validation and change.
(1) Eve expects autonomous operations to commence around 2030.
(2) EIS = entry into service. Eve's estimate of serving 99% of UAM missions in cities and metropolitan areas is based on a study of 1,500 markets worldwide conducted by Eve and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
(3) Helicopter costs are based on an analysis from Conklin & de Decker. Eve vehicle costs are based on Eve analysis.
(4) Data is based on simulations performed by Eve and publicly available noise profile data for a Bell 430 helicopter.
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