Getty SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Getty SPAC Presentation Deck

Capturing Growth in the Corporate Segment Compelling Growth Opportunity Drive corporate penetration and higher ARPU Leverage growing insourcing of corporate creative work Penetration of Top 3,000 Global Corporations ¹ 50% 5% 45% Customer w/ Revenue >$50k p.a. ■Customer w/ Revenue <$50k p.a. ■No Direct Relationship A Management Unlocking Value Alignment of sales force and marketing Positioned to win new logos and cross-sell Customer service focused to drive customer conversion and loyalty Custom Content driving high ARPU Note: ARPU defined as Average Revenue per Customer. gettyimages Top 3000 global corporations based on media spend from MediaRadar (April 2021) and internal 2020 Getty Images àlobal spend by OID. MAMMAS WE GEHELE TEH NEW PALL Sales Force Optimization Incentive structure to target corporate customers and cross-sell Continually improving sales force efficiency EFFATHER 22 with
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