UBS ESG Presentation Deck slide image

UBS ESG Presentation Deck

Targeting 400bn in sustainable investments by 2025 Increased invested assets in sustainable investments by 78% to USD 251 billion Group invested assets USDbn 3,262 3,090 Sustainable investments: 16bn (0.5%) 93 63 13 31.12.17 Sustainable investments: 25bn (0.8%) 3,101 2,802 50 225 20 5 31.12.18 3,607 UBS Refer to slide 30 for key terms and definitions 3,127 Sustainable investments: 372 56bn (1.5%) 52 46 9 31.12.19 Sustainable investments: 141bn (3.4%) 4,187 3,401 132 513 128 13 31.12.20 Sustainable investments: 251bn (5.5%) 4,596 3,532 255 558 29 223 31.12.21 Other Exclusion ESG integration 2021 YoY +93% +9% Impact investing Sustainability focus Sustainable investments +78% +117% +74% 2025 ambition: 400bn 2017-2021 CAGR +29% +72% +79% +104% +100% 01 6
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