Statement of Financial Condition
UBS Securities LLC
Notes to the Statement of Financial Condition (continued)
(In Thousands)
2. Significant Accounting Policies (continued)
Derivatives (continued)
Futures and forward contracts provide for the delayed delivery or purchase of financial instruments
at a specified future date at a specified price or yield. Forward contracts are included in securities
owned, at fair value and securities sold, not yet purchased, at fair value on the statement of financial
Risks arise from the possible inability of counterparties to meet the terms of their contracts and
from unfavorable changes in interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates or the market values
of the securities underlying the instruments. The credit risk associated with these contracts is
typically limited to the cost of replacing all contracts on which the Company has recorded an
unrealized gain.
Fixed Assets
Fixed assets include furniture, equipment, and software, which are depreciated and amortized
using the straight-line method over the useful lives of the assets, and leasehold improvements
which are amortized using the straight-line method over the shorter of the lease term or useful life.
Estimated useful lives are generally as follows: equipment - 3 to 5 years; software - up to 7 years.
Fixed assets include internally generated computer software of $664,518 (less accumulated
amortization of $321,149).
Fixed assets are reported at cost less accumulated depreciation and amortization in other assets on
the statement of financial condition.
The Company predominantly enters into lease contracts, or contracts that include lease
components, as a lessee of real estate, including offices and sales offices, with a small number of
IT hardware leases. The Company identifies non-lease components of a contract and accounts for
them separately from lease components.
The Company currently has no material finance leases. When the Company enters into an
operating lease arrangement the Company recognizes a lease liability and corresponding right-of-
use (ROU) asset at the commencement of the lease, when the Company acquires control of the
physical use of the asset. Lease liabilities are presented within other liabilities and accrued
expenses and RoU assets within other assets. The lease liability is measured based on the present
value of the lease payments over the lease term, discounted using the Company's unsecured
borrowing rate given the rate implicit in a lease is generally not observable to the lessee. The ROU
asset is recorded at an amount equal to the lease liability but is adjusted for rent prepayments,
initial direct costs, any costs to refurbish the leased asset or lease incentives received.
The lease liability amortizes across the lease term in a non-linear basis and is a factor of the
unsecured borrowing rate at commencement.
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