Meyer Burger Investor Presentation
China 531: pushing towards a more market
driven model to enable grid parity soon
uncontrolled growth immediately
Suspend approval for new utility-scale PV
power stations in 2018 - No Build Plan for
utility-scale PV stations
The "Build Plan" for distributed PV power is
capped at 10 GW, incl. residential and
commercial applications
Reduce FIT rate by RMB 0.05/kWh for both
utility-scale and distributed PV projects
Continue to launch "Top Runner" Program;
2018 plan to be released later
for more controlled auction process
■ Utility-Scale PV
All utility-scale PV projects must determine.
the developer through bidding method
The tender price should not be higher than.
the FIT rate post adjustment of Policy 531
Distributed PV
Encourage local government to introduce.
bidding process for distributed PV excl.
residential projects
- Promote electricity market trading model for
distributed PV
■ FiT critical selection indicator for future
bidding process
Provincial governments should report
tender price or subsidy (if any) of each.
project to central government for
Meyer Burger Technology Ltd, Presentation for Investors, Analysts and MediaView entire presentation