Bird SPAC Presentation Deck slide image

Bird SPAC Presentation Deck

23K 2018A BIRD AVG. DEPLOYED VEHICLES 44K 38K 46% CAGR 70K 2019A 2020A 2021P × 107K II 2022P 2023P $3.30 Operating metrics summary 198K 2018A $4.04 × $6.30 AVG. RIDES PER DEPLOYED VEHICLE PER DAY Return to pre-COVID mean by 2023 GROSS TRANSACTION VALUE PER RIDE 2.8x 2018A IIII 2019A 2019A 2020A 2021P 2.5x Ride lengths normalize $5.92 $5.88 2022P $5.28 1.3x 2023P 1.4x 2020A 2021P 1.9x 2022P 2023P $79M 2018A 2.4x $162M ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒__l || Note: GTV includes Product Sales business. Projections assume that GTV distribution between Sharing and Product Sales remains relatively in-line with historicals. GROSS TRANSACTION VALUE $115M 53% CAGR 2019A 2020A 2021P 24M 2018A 2019A $219M 40M $447M 2022P $897M RIDES 2020A 2023P 18M 44% CAGR 37M 2021P 76M 2022P 170M 2023P 36
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