Evotec ESG Presentation Deck
SPA target value
Fair market
value of a PS¹)
Granted number
of PS¹)
Strengthening the pay-for-performance link
Structure of the long-term incentive
Four-year lock-up / waiting period
KPI 1: Revenue growth, 50% weight
KPI 2: Total Shareholder Return against TecDAX, 50% weight
¹) PS = Performance share
Four-year performance period
Exercise of shares
based on share
price (-1€)
Final number of
Shares (capped at
200% of shares)
• Elimination of the Restricted Share Plan as remuneration element
• Introduction of a four-year performance period, elimination of annual lock-ins
Revised LTI performance metrics comprising both an internal and external measure (weighted equally) with more challenging targets, to strengthen pay-for-
performance link
• Ex-ante reporting limited to the external measure (KPI 2)
Overall payout
cap at 350% of
grant valueView entire presentation