Pinterest Results Presentation Deck slide image

Pinterest Results Presentation Deck

9% $666 $22 $102 $542 Q222 US & Canada 8% $685 $24 $86 $575 Q322 Revenue (in millions) Europe 4% $877 $32 $123 Q422 Rest of World 5% $603 $24 © 2023 Pinterest. All rights reserved. $93 $486 Q123 6% $708 $29 $114 $565 Q223 Y/Y growth rate Note: Revenue is geographically apportioned based on our estimate of the geographic location of our users when they perform a revenue-generating activity. Geographic breakdown may not sum to Global due to rounding; quarterly amounts may not sum to annual due to rounding. +6% Global Y/Y +4% US & Canada Y/Y +12% Europe Y/Y +32% Rest of World Y/Y 7
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