NioCorp SPAC Presentation Deck
Critical Mineral Security
Strong State & Local Support
The Elk Creek Project is located exclusively on private
land with extensive nearby infrastructure (roads, rail,
water, and utilities).
The Project enjoys strong community support as well
as state and local government support.
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts nominated the
Project as a "National High-Priority Infrastructure"
Project to the White House. 1
Project is slated to receive approximately $200 million
in tax benefits from the State of Nebraska over its
first 10 years of operation.²
Nebraska is reducing its state corporate income tax
over time from 7.5% in 2022 to 5.84% in 20273
Estimated Economic Benefits and New Tax Revenue
Generated by the Elk Creek Project 4
Direct Full-Time, Permanent Jobs Created
Indirect Jobs Created or Supported5
Peak Construction-Related Jobs
Cumulative Operating Expenses ov Project Life
Employee Payroll over Project Life (included in
cumulative operating expenses above)
New Tax Revenue to State and Local
Government over Project Life
Royalties Paid to Nebraska Landowners over
Project Life
The Project enjoys strong and broad-based state and local support.
$3.4 billion
$1.1 billion
$298 million
$148 million
2 Contract signed July 23, 2021 with the State of Nebraska under the Nebraska Advantage Act.
4 2022 NI 43-101 Elk Creek Technical Report. See "Mineral Reserves and Resources" in the Disclaimers & Technical Disclosures at the beginning of this presentation.
5 Additional jobs created or supported was estimated using the Economic Policy Institute's Employment Multiplier for Metal Ore Mining,
6 Estimate accounts for tax benefits NioCorp expected to receive from the Nebraska Advantage program.
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