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Statement of Financial Condition

UBS Securities LLC Notes to the Statement of Financial Condition (continued) (In Thousands) 12. Risk Management (continued) Internal audit forms the third line of defense, evaluating the overall effectiveness of governance, risk management and the control environment, including the assessment of how the first and second lines of defense meet their objectives. The Company's risk management and control principles are as follows: Protection of financial strength. Protecting the financial strength of the Company by controlling risk exposures and avoiding potential risk concentrations at individual exposure levels, at specific portfolio levels and at an aggregate Company level across all risk types. Protection of reputation. Protecting the Company's reputation through a sound risk culture characterized by a holistic and integrated view of risk, performance and reward, and through full compliance with the Company's standards and principles, particularly the Company's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. Business management accountability. Maintaining management accountability, whereby business management, as opposed to Risk Control, owns all risks assumed throughout the Company and is responsible for the continuous and active management of all risk exposures to provide for balanced risk and return. Independent controls. Independent control functions which monitor the effectiveness of the business's risk management and oversee risk-taking activities. Risk disclosure. Disclosure of risks to senior management, the Board of Directors, investors, regulators, credit rating agencies and other stakeholders with an appropriate level of comprehensiveness and transparency. Market Risk Market risk is the risk of loss from changes in market variables. There are two broad categories of changes: general market risk factors driven by macroeconomic, geopolitical and other market- wide considerations and market risk factors that are specific to individual companies or entities. General market risk factors include interest rates, level of equity market indices, foreign currency exchange rates and other factors. Market risk factors that are specific to individual companies or entities cannot be explained by general market moves. In the normal course of business, the Company is exposed to general and specific market risks related to its trading activities and some non-trading businesses are also subject to market risk. The Company has two major portfolio measures to monitor market risk: Value at Risk and Stress Loss. These measures are complemented by concentration and other supplementary limits on portfolios, sub-portfolios or asset classes. The senior management of each relevant business area is responsible for reviewing trading and non-trading positions, exposures, profits and losses, and trading strategies. The Company has a risk control group which reviews the Company's risk profile and independently monitors development in trading and non-trading portfolios according to established limits. The risk control group also reviews trading positions and economic hedging strategies, performs market risk modeling and aids in setting risk policies of the Company. 30
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