Overstock Results Presentation Deck slide image

Overstock Results Presentation Deck

✔Voatz Safe & Secure Mobile Voting ▪ Became first blockchain-based remote voting platform to be used in a presidential election 1 ▪ Used at the W yoming Independent National Convention ■ Selected for a mobile voting pilot in Brazil in November ▪ Successfully conducted 70 elections across five U.S. states. overstock. 1 Source: GovTech.com. M SWIPE RIGHT The US will have digital voting sooner than you might expect Digital voting hasn't clicked yet in the US. By Annalisa Merelli Reporter QUARTZ 3 hours ago YEAH I'M VOTING! Estonia is a pioneer in digital citizenship. The Baltic nation provides all sorts of government services online, including electronic national identification and a digital residency that allows foreigners to launch Estonian companies while living in another country. It also allows its citizens to vote online A 8 Jo REUTERS/LUCY NICHOLSON 43 MEDICI VENTURES
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